Discover how stem cells and shockwave therapy can help bring relief and even reverse the effects of PD.
There are a number of conditions that can impact a man’s sexual health and potency—and while erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most commonly known, many men also struggle with Peyronie’s Disease (PD). This, too, can have significant, real-world consequences—on a man’s lifestyle, his self-esteem, and his relationships. Thankfully, stem cell therapies offer an effective and alternative form of treatment.

What is Peyronie’s Disease?
Peyronie’s Disease (PD) involves scarring of the outer lining of the vascular spaces of the penile erectile bodies, known as the tunica albuginea. This scarring can be caused by genetic factors, or by particularly traumatic intercourse.
This scarring can be painful; additionally, PD can progress to cause significant penile curvature, shortening, or an hour-glass deformity. The curvature and penile distortion from PD can devastate a man’s self-esteem and render intercourse difficult or impossible. And for many men, PD can cause or be associated with erectile dysfunction.
Stem Cell Treatment for PD
The most sophisticated way to treat PD is through stem cell therapy. Stem cells are essentially the building blocks of the body’s self-healing ability—and when activated, they can provide unique properties for your body to heal itself, even from the scarring associated with PD.
Indeed, the pain and limitations associated with PD are usually eliminated by one treatment of SoftWave™ shockwave therapy (SWT). The curvature from the PD can also be improved by SWT, and new protocols involving umbilical cord stem cell therapy and PRP are currently being explored.
What to Expect from Treatment
SWT treatment protocols are individualized. Usually, there are a total of six treatments over several months. Patients can have intercourse on the same day as treatment.
Studies have shown that there is a statistical improvement in erections with SWT alone or with stem cell therapy alone. Therefore, combined therapy may yield an even higher success rate. Patients who have a shorter history of ED generally have a higher success rate. Pain from PD is usually improved after just one SWT, though additional treatments are recommended to further treat the curvature and deformities.
Why Seek Treatment from Stem Cell Doctors of Beverly Hills?
Dr. Gary Alter, our director and founder, has over 35 years of experience treating patients with ED and PD, so he has the knowledge and judgement to choose the best treatment option for you. He is one of just a few physicians who is certified by both the American Board of Urology and the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Many physicians are advocating the use of shockwaves for ED but are not using true acoustic shockwave machines. We use the state-of-the-art TRT/MTS Softwave ™ Urogold100™ machine, which was used to perform much of the research showing the efficacy of the treatment. This shockwave machine has been shown to be more efficient and effective that other machines available in the U.S. Therefore, less treatments are needed with less shockwave pulses. This is one of the only shockwave treatments available anywhere that is truly pain-free. Many other machines are painful and require local anesthetic creams or injections.
New protocols are being developed by combining Softwave ™ SWT with umbilical cord stem cell therapy and/or PRP. We are actively involved in developing these advanced treatments.
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